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View Full Version : Spring hunt

03-15-2013, 07:51 AM
Plans have lined up. Got my turkey tag in the mail. Looking forward to the trip and posting some pics.

05-09-2013, 07:11 PM
Well, where are the pics?

05-09-2013, 08:20 PM
Well, where are the pics?

Welllll...... It was a bust. The weather didn't cooperate and one of our guides got sick so we had to hunt together. Since we were hunting together, I called first shot. At dawn, we didn't get any response to calls, so after a while, we picked up and hiked to a new area. Our guide saw some turkeys in the distance and we get set up. As we were waiting, unexpectedly, one came in over a mound closer to my cousin. He had the only shot at it. He took the shot, and thought he had it.... I did too. Then the turkey flipped him the bird and took off for cover. He got another shot at it, but it didn't matter. At that point, they were all gone. We set up closer to where the original ones were, in anticipation that they'd come back, but we were there for over an hour, I think. It was about 50 degrees and drizzling the whole time, sometime steady rain. After that long period, we decided to scout the property we were hunting. We hiked the perimeter, through the forest, through the marsh, no luck. When we exhausted this option, our guide took us to nearly a dozen alternate locations, but nothing was responding. No signs of birds.

As for the pics.... I normally don't take photos, but I was going to make an exception an take a ton... or ten. Without a bird, hunting was a priority, so we didn't even take one.

I'm ready to do this again. Heck, I don't even have to go buy more turkey rounds. ;)